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Development Services

Optics Design and Simulation

Codion Optics has extensive experience in the conception and design of optical systems. Our historical core competency as a spin-off of the Leibniz ipht are spectrometers of different kinds. Besides these, we develop a range of other optical system types for you. To facilitate this even in complex situations, we are using proprietary simulation and optimization software additionally to established commercial design software such as Zemax OpticStudio® and Code V®. Our software can be adapted to almost every optical design task. If needed, even object-side optical processes, such as light transport in turbid samples or scattering, can be simulated and included in the optimization process. Of course our designs are developed and optimized for good manufactuability and best-possible tolerance properties with respect to manufacturing variations and environmental influences in real deployment scenarios.

We develop for you:

Our optics tools:

  • Zemax OpticStudio®
  • Code V® (on request)
  • Proprietary software (CPU/GPU) for
    • System optimization incl. tolerance optimization
    • Ray and wave optical simulation incl.
      • Simulation of layer systems
      • Grating simulation
      • Simulation of micro structures
    • Modelling of optical processes in samples
    • Simulation of complex, time-varying systems with scanning units, changing samples, etc.

2D FDTD grating simulation

2D FDTD grating simulation © A. Wuttig/Codion Optics

From Optical Design to Hardware

iPhone based optical Photometer device (Cad view)

iPhone® based Photometer device (CAD view). ©A. Wuttig/Codion Optics

Ideally, optical and opto-mechanical design form a unit. We are able to meet this demand in an integrated design approach to realize your ideas as a design, prototype or small series. When implementing real hardware, we can rely on a wide network of higly specialized an skilled contract manufacturers. Complementation of the hardware with firm- and software is possible, depending on requirements. We can also offer support in the preparation of volume production or the integration of our results into your product.

We offer:

  • Conception of systems or subsystems
  • Optical design
  • Mechanical design (preferably Creo Parametric; Solidworks on request)
  • Communication with and commissioning of contract manufacturers
  • Adaption of our electronics
  • Programming of control software and drivers (PC/ Smartphone)
  • Organisation of prototype production
  • Creation of alignment and test programs
  • Support for product integration

Our Customer Projects

Amongst others, we have conducted developments in the fields of chemical analytics, bio analytics, cosmetics, medicine, and security technology for our customers and development partners. This ranged from improvements of partial optical paths for existing products up to complete device developments.