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Codion Optics GmbH
Hans-Knöll-Str. 6
07747 Jena

Fone: +49 3641 527993 0
Fax: +49 3641 527993 99
e-Mail: info(at)

Managing Director: Dr. Andreas Wuttig
Headquarters and Register Court: Jena HRB 507653
VAT ID number (§ 27a UStG): DE282785548


Please observe the legal notices regarding content, availability, copyright and external links of this web site.

Content of this web site

The content of this web site is prepared with utmost care. Nevertheless, Codion Optics GmbH does not assume any responsibility for the correctness, completeness, or actuality of the provided content.

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Codion Optics seeks to provide this service without interruptions. Still down times can not be excluded. Codion Optics reserves the right to change or terminate this service at any time. No responsibility is taken for interruptions or other disturbances due to incorrectly created or structured files and site structures.


All contents and structures of this web site are protected by copyright law or neighbouring rights. By no means, the publication in the World Wide Web or other internet based services declares consent for other utilization by third parties. Every use not coverd by german copyright law needs prior, written permission by Codion Optics GmbH.


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Notes regarding external links

As a content provider according to the Telemediengesetz § 7 Abs.1, Codion Optics is responsible for "own content" it provides. Links pointing from this content to content provided by third parties has to be treated separately from this. By placing said links, Codion Optics is holding foreign content ready for utilization. Before placing such links for the first time, Codion Optics has checked the foreign content for possible violation of civil or criminal laws. However, links are dynamic references and Codion Optics is not obligated to monitor such links for later changes of their legal status. Upon noticing or receiving sound notice on law infringements of linked content, Codion Optics will immediately remove such links.

Notice on the origin of this Disclaimer

The legal notices given above are partly based on the disclaimer of the "Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit" (Referee for data protection and freedom of information of Berlin: Link) as downloaded on 30/09/2019, referring to the consent stated there, to use this disclaimer for own purposes.